Auto Insurance in and around Smithville
Smithville! Are you ready to hit the road with auto insurance from State Farm?
Put it into drive, wisely

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When it comes to budget-friendly car insurance, you have plenty of choices. Sorting through savings options, coverage options, providers… it’s a lot, to say the least.
Smithville! Are you ready to hit the road with auto insurance from State Farm?
Put it into drive, wisely

Agent Mallory Pfingstler, At Your Service
But not only is the coverage fantastic with State Farm, there are also multiple options to save. This can range from safe driver savings like Drive Safe & Save™ to safe vehicle discounts like a passive restraint discount. You could even be eligible for more than one of these options! State Farm agent Mallory Pfingstler would love to verify which you may be eligible for and help you create a reliable policy that's right for you.
This can include coverage for a variety of situations and vehicles, too, like rental car coverage, electric and hybrid cars or sports cars. And the benefits of State Farm don't stop there! When trouble finds you on the road, you can be sure to receive straightforward attentive care from State Farm agent Mallory Pfingstler. Visit Mallory Pfingstler's office today!
Have More Questions About Auto Insurance?
Call Mallory at (615) 597-8486 or visit our FAQ page.
Simple Insights®
Ways to make your traffic merging safer on roads
Ways to make your traffic merging safer on roads
For safer merging, you should never assume other motorists will make room for you. Read these tips from State Farm to help prevent merging collisions.
Protect your vehicle from gas theft
Protect your vehicle from gas theft
Check out these gas theft prevention tips to help keep thieves from stealing fuel from your vehicle.

Mallory Pfingstler
State Farm® Insurance AgentSimple Insights®
Ways to make your traffic merging safer on roads
Ways to make your traffic merging safer on roads
For safer merging, you should never assume other motorists will make room for you. Read these tips from State Farm to help prevent merging collisions.
Protect your vehicle from gas theft
Protect your vehicle from gas theft
Check out these gas theft prevention tips to help keep thieves from stealing fuel from your vehicle.